Just for Today: A Christmas Wish

Have you ever witnessed the wonder and delight on the faces of young children as they catch a glimpse, through a partially opened door, of a Christmas tree laden with gifts? Or seen the excitement as the Christmas light suddenly blaze forth from trees and rooftops during those final weeks of December. Have you heard the whispers, as little heads, drooping with sleep, murmur requests to Santa, for themselves and for others? Have you heard the excitement in shrill voices as laden stocking or pillowslips are discovered on Christmas mornings?

Imagine if that delight, wonder and excitement could be captured and the magic of those moments magnified until the whole world resonated with joy, laughter, peace and delight. Imagine if each child and every family could have enough to eat, a place to live in security, and if the fear of war or retribution were eliminated from the world.

It’s two thousand years since Christ left to us the responsibility of teaching the world the miraculous power of love. Yet there are still wars, people still live in fear, nations are destroyed by epidemics, by flood, famine and wars. And we continue to turn our backs on the needs of others, and close our eyes to the distress of people living within our own towns and cities. Across the world are people whose voices we choose not to hear, for we can not or will not cope with the level of their distress. We turn away.

Perhaps each of us could choose this year, in this season, to take responsibility for the commission Christ has given us, to love with as much abandonment of self as does God. We might choose to eliminate the “them versus us” mentality that has caused divisions within our communities. We could choose not to judge the behaviour or words of others, for we are called to be witnesses for Christ, not judges of others. We could even be agents of peace, by practising peace within our own lives and being a peacemaker within our own communities.

Perhaps we could

Just for today

Just for the Christ Child.