All posts by Candace Chellew

Man In Yellow Protective Suit

An Old, New Way To Pray

Gamma, gamma, hey! Neuroscientists who have been studying Buddhist monks and how meditation affects the brain since the early 1990s have made some pretty phenomenal discoveries over the decades. Meditation on subjects such as compassion, loving-kindness and even just following the breath, is shown to

Black male hands resting on an open Bible

The Courage To Be a Whosoever

Thank you for your magazine. You’re so courageous to do it. Those words were spoken to me by a young man who emerged from a crowd of people at the first gay and lesbian Christian conference I ever attended — the Witness Our Welcome conference

Young Man With Smoke Grenade

Jesus Christ: Terrorist

A pastor friend of mine recently posted this status on Facebook: “‘Just follow my rules and behave, and nothing bad will happen to you,’ is the exact opposite of the message of Christ.” It reminded me that the version of the Christian message I was