All posts by Lori Heine

Polling station

Out of Xanadu

Right-wing Christians, these days, seem to live in a cozy little Xanadu all their own. And sometimes I really envy them. When I came out as a lesbian, I was kicked out of its cozy confines, once and for all. Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender

Hymnal music

Jerusalem, My Destiny

Our musical enjoyment is often communal, but for each of us, the experience is also intensely individual. No two people’s musical “biographies” are ever alike. But despite the differences between my melodious memories and yours, music can link us together as almost nothing else can.

Colored leaves

A Prodigal Daughter’s Tale

Most people consider it transformative simply to let go of past mistakes. Some prefer to outrun them, hoping they won’t chase them right into a brand new year. I let mine catch up with me. I had feared this might undo me. Yet at the

Sunlight shining through leaf

Seizing the Day

Should there even be, properly called, an “everyday” spirituality as opposed to the “Sunday” or “holy day” variety? Isn’t “everyday spirituality” really the only kind? The present day is all God gives us. We must live in the moment every day of our lives, taking

Sunlight shining through leaf

Darkness Shall Not Overcome It

In our struggle, the light overcomes the darkness. We are fighting for the right to love – in the very face of hate. But the fight is ours to win. For we fight with the light of truth on our side. Make no mistake about

Two men sitting and waiting

I Am My Neighbor

When someone asks us, “Who is our neighbor?” we always feel we know what the right answer must be. Our neighbor is somebody absolutely obnoxious: the biggest jerk we can think of. Being neighborly to this character would be like taking castor oil. It’s a

Stained glass window image of Jesus

A Parable Jesus Would Like

It would be easy to toss off some glib, superficial answer to the question of how we may know the God beyond our limited stereotypes — in the words of Paul Tillich, the “God beyond God.” But this would provide no real insight into solving

Tattooed man praying

Our Way Home

In the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community today, we sense, increasingly, that we have lost our way. We feel less of a sense of unity with one another. We bicker not only over big issues, but about matters we ourselves sense, with nagging frustration,