Site disclaimer
Information presented on this website or via any other communication channels under this brand represents the opinions of our contributors, and not necessarily the opinions of Whosoever, its Editor-in-Chief or staff. Whosoever accepts no responsibility for any change of heart, action or direction change which individuals may pursue as a result of encountering the submissions posted in Whosoever. Whosoever does not offer professional advice or definitive end-all or be-all answers, nor does Whosoever purport to present or depict a monolithic viewpoint representing the LGBTQ+ community in whole or in part — that community being plenty diverse enough to make any single answer inadequate.
All material in Whosoever is protected by federal copyright law and may not be reposted or reproduced without the written consent of Whosoever. You have express permission from Whosoever to print multiple copies of any article for the purposes of education within a church or school environment, or for strictly personal use. Contents may not be resold or reposted for profit by anyone other than the author of that particular article.
Contributor privacy
The sexual orientation or gender identity/expression of anyone published herein is neither inferred nor implied. The appearance of names or pictorial representation does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation or gender identity/expression of that person or persons.
Bible translations
Many of the verse citations on this website are drawn from The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language, an approachable “reading Bible” version developed by Eugene H. Peterson to render Bible passages in a more narrative, idiomatic style that exchanges point-by-point translation for freshness, vitality and readability. While we find this kind of accessibility to be consistent with our mission, we appreciate that many people prefer to read other versions of the Bible. For this reason, we provide a handy lookup tool that hyperlinks most of the verse citations on this website to a popup window that allows the reader to read that verse in various Bible versions; to do this, just click the “more” link in the popup window.
Submission guidelines
Whosoever accepts unsolicited editorial material. Articles or article proposals may be sent to the Whosoever Editor-in-Chief via the Contact form on our Staff/Contact page. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to accept, reject or edit any submissions. All rights revert to authors upon publication. Please consult our Submission Guidelines for further details.