It has been quite a while. I’ve been keeping up with your web-based news column (I love your responses!).
I am actually writing you because I was recently passed a letter from IGLHRC (International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission) about a young male in a youth correctional institute. He is being threatened by other inmates because he is gay and the authorities suggested he keep his sexuality hidden or be referred to a “sex offenders program”! (All of this information comes from only seeing his letter and a copy of a letter he says to have received from the prison authorities.) My question is if you know anyone who might be able to pick this up and follow through with it. The boy’s address is in South Carolina. I am trying to contact anybody that might be able to help.
If you yourself or someone you know might be able to provide some assistance please let me know as soon as possible.
Thank you so much,
Dear Gentle Folks,
I am giving you this letter from a good friend of mine who is trustworthy in his advocacy and if you might have ideas or places I can get some help you may contact me here. Thank you for any help you can give.
God Bless,
Pastor Paul

Editor-in-Chief of Whosoever and Founding and Senior Pastor of Gentle Spirit Christian Church of Atlanta, Rev. Paul M. Turner (he/him) grew up in suburban Chicago and was ordained by the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches in 1989. He and his husband Bill have lived in metro Atlanta since 1994, have been in a committed partnership since the early 1980s and have been legally married since 2015.