I was reading your site and I am so empowered by your views. As a gay male AND a Christian, I’ve struggled to breakdown the barrier of homosexuality and God. You are truly an answer to a prayer! Everything that you are doing is worthwhile and has really made SUCH and amazing difference in my life!
God Bless You! Steve
Thank you so much for Lori Heine’s great article on “Brokeback Mountain!” I have been struggling with the chatter about the movie, and I really appreciate your clear unmasking of the patriarchy which infuses the movie (and the reviews!)
I’m a student at Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, CA, and I’m so tired of hearing even my colleagues dismiss the movie with “Gay Cowboy Movie” labeling. Since I’m a gay man, I admit to loving that aspect, but the movie is so much more. Thank you for giving me words to talk about these deeper issues.
Keep up the good work!
I would like to thank you for your wonderful magazine and for your bravery in adversity. I’m from England and I think that Christians are not as nasty as in America, (although they don’t particularly do anything positive for gay people either!), so I admire your strength and wisdom. Although, of course, there are many kind, supportive people in America too and many forward-looking, affirming churches, I don’t know how gay Christians cope with the vile gay-bashing that protrudes from the mouths of extremist so-called Christians in the States.
I’m very sensitive to it even here in Europe (and here they’re not in the mainstream and there aren’t half as many) and feel misunderstood and depressed sometimes. You are so strong to not let your spirit be crushed by their words and hatred. God must truly be with you.
Carry on in your noble quest to advance the righteous cause of our downtrodden people. God bless you.
Ruth H.
Thank you for the dedication you pour into your online magazine, Whosoever.
I found it yesterday and was touched to read through so many theologically compelling, emotionally authentic, substantive and well-written articles. I happened to come across your web site while researching a sermon message for this Sunday (4/23) on homosexuality.
I am a young Southern Baptist minister in Hanover, PA (I read your bio about growing up as a daughter of a SB minister). Honestly, your web site was the first real thing that gave me pause this week. So much of what I read on the other GLBT-Christian sites smacked either of militancy (e.g., bashing of Southern Baptists) or agenda-driven intellectualism (defeating the so-called “clobber passages” of the Bible). Your authenticity and evenhandedness, to be frank, was “scary” to me and my presuppositions. I had to tear myself away (but your site is now bookmarked).
Please keep writing!
I just wanted to say thank you for a fantastic and informative site. I don’t know if you intended to reach across the Atlantic, but you have.
I have struggled with the issues for many years, being gay (although I didn’t know it at first) and a Christian. Over the years, I have realised that if God hates me for being gay, why has he blessed me so much in my life? Conclusion – he loves me as I am, nothing more, nothing less. Looking back over the years, He has looked after me, given such a wonderful partner to spend my life with – what an amazing God we have – how can He hate us for who we are? The love of Christ is UNCONDITIONAL and on Easter day (I’m listening to Sunday Worship on BBC Radio 4 at the moment) it’s really hitting home and I wish that everyone could just forget all hatred.
Enough of this rambling, thanks again for a fantastic site. God bless your work.