I stumbled onto your website while trying to come to terms with a loving, forgiving God who gave us all the ability to have these same attributes when He created us in His Image.
I am a heterosexual but feel welcome at this site, because we are all brothers and sisters with a path to follow and a reason to live.
What can I do to fight the injustice and intolerance so many of you face everyday? It breaks my heart. My Bible tells me that if the Name of Jesus is lifted up, then I can be sure that I am on the right track and am not being deceived.
Forever Grateful, Rose Marie T.
Sometimes I get overwhelmed by the hatred from the religious right, both Christian and Moslem. It feels like the backlash is coming. As one person I sometimes feel powerless and then I waver in my faith and decide that maybe God doesn’t exist. I try to remember the parable of the birds in the field and stop worrying about an imagined future that may never happen and count the blessings in my life.
I admire your courage and style. May God bless you, protect you and give the strength to keep going.
Thank you.
Luiz and Ian
When I came across your online magazine, I regarded it first with anger. How could anyone say this was something that was okay? I was supposed to hate myself! God wanted me to hate myself!
Then, I was confused. Like a little kid that wants to act grown up, listening to the adults talk. you have no clue what is being said, and your brain is completely lost trying to figure it out. Did the Bible actually not say it was wrong? Did the word homosexual really not exist when the Bible was written? Why do my fellow Christians hate me?
Finally, with your magazine and a lot of in depth talks with my drama teacher (I honestly don’t think I’d have made it through freshman year if she wouldn’t have been there for me like she was, offering a shoulder to cry on or cross words, whichever was needed at the time) here I am today.
I don’t think I’ve ever been this at peace with myself. I felt so inspired, I started a Students Against Destructive Decisions chapter in my school. I’ve been writing non-stop, I seem to really have a knack for it. I am in the creative writing club, involved with the school newspaper, and am going to be involved with the school play when it starts.
Overall, my life has improved so much. I feel close to God, and I haven’t since I was little.
I want to sincerely thank you for your magazine. I hope you reach out to many people like me.
I just wanted to say congratulations on the podcast.
I very much enjoyed listening to it and found it very thought-provoking.
Regards, Catriona M.