I was searching the web for info on shame and pride, and came across the article by Neil Ellis Orts entitled Pride, Shame, and Humility. It’s certainly nice to discover a meaningful article written in everyday English. The Orts article was excellent; I bookmarked it for future rereading. I’m rather recent to Christianity, and presently thinking a lot about humility. Now that I understand what Christian humility is, I have less shame about shedding my false and sinful pride. I studied shame and pride from a theoretical perspective (as a mental and biological affect) but could not at the time manage my own shame and pride. Religious or spiritual humility before a higher power helped save my ass from further alcoholic destruction since last March through the AA program, but the steps are ultimately about dealing with the root causes. Shame, pride, and humility!
The article does a good job in distinguishing humility and shame from humiliation and society-imposed guilt. I certainly have to make that distinction register in my small brain so I can start being humble before Christ at a more fundamental level than just chemical addiction.
Bob B.
I added your webpage to my “favorites” list several months ago, but had never really read what you had to say until tonight. (I wish I could remember where I found the link to your site.)
I just wanted to say thank-you for taking the time. I struggle daily with this conflict between my faith and my sexuality. Your efforts have encouraged me to continue reading the bible and searching for meaning and answers. I often feel condemned and unwanted by God. Although I have a long way to go to resolving these and other issues, I believe I will continue to search out the meaning of the word by reading the scriptures, devoting time to prayer and visiting your website. Thank you. You helped make today a very good day.
Donna M.
[The Power of Story by Candace Chellew] has been my first exposure to Whosoever Magazine. I am delighted to find a resource like this for “shoring myself up” as I begin my latent journey to selfhood. It is my understanding that “story”, even in its broader context, has begun to spread as a powerful tool for self-discovery — that the narrative of Genesis when the “word” became the calling of all things into “beingness” is now used by psychologists for calling people into a truer sense of their own realities. I am amazed at how simple and literal some parts of the Bible can be…as in, “…the WORD was made flesh and dwelt among us.” There are other terms, like being a “man/woman of your word,” or, “you have my word on it,”…used in more secular circumstances.
I appreciate the article’s reassurance that our stories have an impact on us and on the world which needs our stories to be told, so it can identify with us in ways that engender the “fruits of the Holy Spirit.” Words are powerful (spoken or written), and it is high time everyone becomes aware of it.
Denise N.
I just want to thank you for your insightful information. I about a week ago, I stumbled on a discussion about homosexuality and the Bible. I should be ashamed to say that I have never read the complete Bible or all the passages about homosexuality. I just knew in my heart that God would not create something wrong. No, I’m not gay, but I have never seen nothing wrong with it. It pains me when I see ignorance and prejudice. Such as the NJ Boy Scout case. The only thing I see wrong with it is that my extremely handsome gay neighbor, who has become my best buddy, has no sexual desire for me! : ) However, neither does my girlfriend’s husbands or a host of other men! : ) But I still have a fabulous, dear friend and role model for my 11 year old son.
When I read passages in the Bible which were being toss around, I became sincerely upset. The passages seemed so point blank and I had no idea how to interpret them. Yes, I know the Bible was written a million years ago, and expresses personal views and stories, and so much has changed since. Anyway I’m getting longwinded — but I just want to say thanks, I will now have more to say than — “Give me a break, you’re ignorant!”
My parish is also searching for a new priest and someone very interested is gay. I’m now prepared to argue intelligent to those who make his sexuality an issue!
I’m not Christian, but I have friends who are and your site has helped them a lot. Keep up the great work, you guys and gals are making more of a difference in the GLBT community than you know!
Peace and love,
Sheana D.
I am a married gay person with kids, an adult child of right wing conservative you knows, life is complicated. I get my inspiration from the internet and what books I sneak and services I slink to. Life is complicated. Thanks for this web site. It helps and comforts me more than I can say.
Someone just sent me the address for your site. You are doing wonderful work and I wanted to commend you on it. I have a website Mrs. Betty Bowers Is A Better Christian Than You and part of it is Betty’s former gay ministry CASH: Christians Are Saving Homosexuals. It is meant as a spoof on how the whole former-gay movement is just a very cynical attempt to raise money and marginalize gays. Keep up the good work!