Letters to the Editor


Dear Editor, I’m disappointed with labeling “ex-gay” ministries as evil. They aren’t evil. They are people who are trying to do God’s work in a way they feel called to do. I know. I went through an Exodus program for a year and a half with no results. Though I’m still as gay as ever, I have no hard feelings for those leading those groups. It seems just as narrow to judge ex-gay leaders as it seems for them to judge gays. Let’s take the higher ground and agree to disagree without condeming their work.

— Chad



I am 52, mother of a gay Christian young man who has AIDS. He also loves the Lord more then ever. He is out witnessing and changing lives. God has blessed him so. When his T-cells were 5 we thought this is it, now they are 311 and God is using him everyday.

I believe with all my heart and soul that he is a born-again Christian and I praise God for him. Although my “born again Christian” mother told him he was going to hell. When you repent and are saved you are saved forever. All the backsliders that were saved when they were young are still going to Heaven because God said they would. I am not going to sit in judgement of anyone, it’s not my place. Who knows anyone elses heart except for that person and the Lord?

— Karen



Whosoever got me excited about life again. I know that God has a great plan for me and it doesn’t matter if I’m a lesbian or not. It never did. I was begining to think there were no Christians in this lifestyle which indicated to me that it must be wrong. Please send my most sincere thank you’s to Candace. She has blessed me in a much needed way.

— Kelly



I have been reading through back-dates in your devotional journal, and have just read the one where you picked up writing after a long break (23 March), after a patch of considering scrapping this devotional journal all together. I am very glad that you didn’t decide to scrap it, as I have found it very helpful and encouraging.

I have especially found the one about entrusting our dreams to God, and Him entrusting His will to us, deeply helpful. [April 7 entry] I am in a place where my dreams feel like they’re tumbling around me, and I am struggling to hold onto the fact that God has a hold on my life, but He has over and over again told me to give my dreams to Him, and trust Him with the outcome. On a particularly difficult day last week I found this website, and read your journal entry, and laughed out loud at how God manages to say the same thing in many different ways! So thank you for your openness in sharing with us what He is telling you – it means more than I can say.

— Sharon



It’s always a pleasure when I take time to visit your site. Your words and insights bring clarity, hope and inspiration to me and countless others. Your labor of Love and Faith provides positive impact in people’s lives.

May God continue to bless and keep you safe, energized and re-newed daily.

Thank you for “not coming down“.

Richard Murphy

MCC South Beach




Hi! I’m a straight Pastor from Floresville UMC, Floresville, Texas. You’re doing a great service for the world. You’re right on target, go for it, know that you are loved and supported! I have had the good fortune to know many gay and lesbian friends and family members. They are so clearly children of God, created to be the unique child that they are (as am I) and I have been blessed to have relationships with them. We’re all a part of the family. some of us get along better than others, but oh well… Hang in there!


— Jay Brown Floresville, TX



I wanted to write a sincere thank you for your online magazine. Being Christian and also knowing that I am gay has been a constant struggle for me since coming out over two years ago. Your articles online have been a source of inspiration for me and for my partner to know that others have struggled with the same issues that we have.

— Kevin



I am not gay, but I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and I have a vision, or a goal, to show the world that true Christians aren’t the bigoted, hate-filled hypocrites that are often perceived. Whether this includes the homosexual issue, personal appearance (i.e: “you don’t LOOK like a Christian…”) or just the fact that there’s Christian rock & roll, I want to challenge people to look with their own eyes at what they believe, and not through the eyes of anyone else, because man (preachers, newsmen, parents, etc.) is imperfect. I could sit here an type for an hour about these issues, but you’d probably get really bored! So keep the faith, and God bless you!

— Brian