Category Archives: Sermons

Three wise men silhouette over a full moon

In the Flesh

First Congregational Church of Berkeley, Calif. Reading for the Fourth Sunday of Advent: Matthew 1:18-25 The day has come. Christmas Eve. We have waited and it has arrived, as it does every year, on time. Whether it seems early or late, to have come quickly

People celebrating Thanksgiving Day

The Heart of Gratitude

First Congregational Church of Berkeley, Calif. Readings for Thanksgiving: Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Know the Lord is God! It is he that made us and we are his;

Glasses resting on Bible


Wichita (Kan.) Metropolitan Community Church Reading for the Fourth Sunday in Lent: Luke 15:11-32 “Home” — what an emotionally loaded word! It conjures up all kinds of subjective reactions in us, according to our experience. Ideally, home is the place of safety, where you count