Tag Archives: 9/11

National September 11 Memorial & Museum, New York

In Memoriam: Mychal Judge, Gay Saint of 9/11

A gay priest is considered a saint by many since his heroic death in the September 11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. Father Mychal Judge, chaplain to New York City firefighters, responded quickly when Muslim extremists flew hijacked planes into the

Two men sitting and waiting

Osama Is My Neighbor

I can tell you the exact moment that Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean lost my vote. It was January 11, 2004 when an audience member at an Iowa primary forum asked Dean to stop “mean mouthing” President George W. Bush. According to news reports, Dale

New York firefighter on the scene after the 9/11 attack.

Where Is God? A Response to 9/11

Tuesday, Sept. 11th was simply a horrendous day. We didn’t get very much work done, needless to say, as we watched well-known buildings burn and collapse and waited for the next disaster. My friend Ron watched the Pentagon burn from his 8th floor flat in

World Trade Center, New York

Revival Fires: A Response to 9/11

As America grieves over the lost lives at the hand of terrorists, we sense a comforting outpouring of God’s love. Newscasters, anchormen, people who never mention the name of Jesus are suddenly talking about prayer and church and asking for God’s blessing on America …