Tag Archives: Advent

Jesus in a crèche

Jesus: Born To Misfit

Read the rest of the Via Creativa: Island of Misfit Toys series Jubilee! Circle, Columbia, S.C. Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent: He shall be the one of peace. (Micah 5:1-5a) He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the

Glasses resting on Bible

In Your Dreams! Stumbling Toward Our Dreams

Jubilee! Circle, Columbia, S.C. Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent and the First Sunday after Epiphany He will not fail or be discouraged… (Isaiah 42:1-9) An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream… (Matthew 1:18-25) Our first song comes from the

Glasses resting on Bible

The Seven Deadlies: Envy

Jubilee! Circle, Columbia, S.C. Readings for the Third Sunday of Advent:  They shall obtain joy and gladness. (Isaiah 35:1-10) The least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. (Matthew 11:2-11) Our first song comes from Minnesota singer-songwriter Peter Mayer. The song is called

Glasses resting on Bible

The Seven Deadlies: Pessimism

Jubilee! Circle, Columbia, S.C. Readings for the First Sunday of Advent: Neither shall they learn war anymore. (Isaiah 2:1-5) Keep awake… (Matthew 24:36-44) Our first song comes from the Atlanta duo the Indigo Girls. This song comes off their 1999 album “Come on Now Social.”

Angel wings on old wood

Take a Message

Garden of Grace United Church of Christ, Columbia, S.C. Readings for the Second Sunday of Advent: Malachi 3:1-12, Luke 3:1-6 This morning’s song comes from Melissa Etheridge, off her 2008 Christmas album. The song is called “It’s Christmas Time.” What if we could create peace

Glasses resting on Bible

This Little Light of Mine

Garden of Grace United Church of Christ, Columbia, S.C. Readings: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28, John 1:6-28 This morning’s song comes from Grammy-award winning blues singer and guitarist Keb’ Mo’. Born Kevin Moore he was born and raised in Compton, California. This song, “Let Your Light Shine,”

Glasses resting on Bible

What Are You Waiting For?

Garden of Grace United Church of Christ, Columbia, S.C. Readings for the Second Sunday of Advent: Isaiah 11:1-10, Matthew 3:1-12 I sat down to write a sermon this week. I started on Monday. I got an idea. I wrote some stuff down. I got another