Tag Archives: Catholic

Saint Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

Pope Francis Takes the Gay Gloves Off

Can we drop the Both Sides journalism façade? False balance, also bothsidesism: A media bias in which journalists present an issue as being more balanced between opposing viewpoints than the evidence supports. I woke up Monday morning to harsh, depressing news In a story from

Bible and Catholic crucifix with rainbow motif

Archdiocese of Detroit Joins Extremist Homophobia Trend

Will American Catholics embrace love? As I cope with the Sunday-morning death of my father, thoughts of religion and spirituality occupy me. As extended family gathered around his deathbed last week, I reflected on my membership in a large Irish-Catholic clan. While much of my

Young explorer

LGBTQ Kids: Suffering for Faith

On tears and rejecting harmful belief systems Parents who try to change their child’s sexual orientation increase suicide risk significantly (LGBTQ Nation) I cried as I fell asleep — My own fault, really. I shouldn’t have been reading Braden’s Story by Mason Dodd. As an aspiring author

St. Peter’s Square, Vatican, Rome

Popes Out-of-Step with Their Times

Poll after poll has found that the Catholic papacy is out-of-step with its increasingly shrinking U.S. flock. On the topic of abortion, 55% of U.S. Catholics do not want the 1973 landmark Roe v. Wade decision overturned, 67% favor pre-marital sex, 71% approve of divorce,

St. Peter’s Square, Vatican, Rome

Rome Pokes Canterbury in the Eye — Again

On January 1, The New York Times reported that the Roman Catholic Church had established a “Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter” which will function as an ecclesiastical home for members of the Episcopal Church who wish to transfer their allegiance without giving