Tag Archives: Emmet Fox

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A New (Mental) Diet For a New Year

Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2) I’ve never had much success with diets. I’ve tried most

Two men sitting and waiting

Loving Without Boundaries

Many people ask me at times, “What’s so difficult to YOU about being a Christian? You don’t subscribe to all of the dogmatic literalism, in fact, you’re too liberal for most liberal Christians. You don’t have all the little rules and formalities about liturgy and

Each day that I wake I give thanks

Do Not Push or Pull

…gratitude is a form of intercession. Only it must not be like the gratitude of the Pharisee, who condemned others and justified himself (cf. Luke 18:11). On the contrary, it must make one regard oneself as a greater debtor than all [others]; one gives thanks

People at concert

Believing Is a State of Mind

What does it mean to believe? “Whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” I always took issue with the position that believing in Jesus, accepting him as your personal savior, which I assume means acknowledging that he is who he says

Sunlight shining through leaf

By Our Fruits

There is an old story where a priest tells a young boy, “I’ll give you an orange if you can tell me where God is.” To which the wise child responds, “I’ll give you TWO oranges if you can tell me where God is NOT.”

Stained glass window image of Jesus

What Would Jesus Do?

I definitely believe that “loving our enemies” may, at times, be one of the most difficult things about living the Christian Way. And as a bisexual man whose ideal marriage consists of being committed to both a wife and male partner (openly and honestly) and

Four women looking down

Forgive Them? Are You Crazy?

Several years have passed, but just thinking about an event with a past landlord can still set my blood to boiling. He sued my ex and me for “damages” to an apartment we left. We suspected he inflicted the “damage” himself so he could make

Four women looking down

Seventy Times Seven

For us to say that we forgive someone is one of the easiest things in the world for most of us. For us to feel it can, at times, be a long and difficult struggle. I have often said that I feel the reason that