Tag Archives: fundamentalism

Woman with piercings

Conservative Evangelicalism, Are You Going to Kill Me Too?

The Bible is laced with stories of murder. Christianity is laced with stories of murder. Conservative evangelicalism is laced with stories of murder. Fact, fact, fact. Everywhere you turn, it’s here, there, and everywhere; past, present, and future. Whether intended or not, spiritual, emotional, and

Hands waving

Yes, You Can Be Gay and Evangelical

Can you be gay-vangelical? Being both LGBTQ+ and fundamentalist… is that possible? Of course it is. The great diversity present among fundamentalist and literalist Christians, relative to the small number of Bible passages that actually mention homosexual activity, leaves a lot of room for someone

Polling station

What People Need from You Now This Election Season Is…

We can’t deny that we were warned in 2006 during the height of the anti-LGBTQ+ crusades: “Consciously or unconsciously, fundamentalist Christians are using their anti-homosexual campaign to test how much intolerance the American people will tolerate.” Since that time, just as insider Mel White predicted

Hands waving

The Comfort of Fundamentalisms

There’s a real comfort in being fundamentalist. And disturbing that comfort invokes a protective response that tells us that the depth of the appeal of whatever fundamentalism is involved serves a purpose that has little to do with the kind of doctrines to which a