Tag Archives: Year A

Woman and dog on lake shore

What If It’s a Dog’s Life After All?

Preached at Gentle Spirit Christian Church, Atlanta, Ga. Reading: Matthew 15:10-28 The story of the Canaanite woman is significant on several levels: It represents one of only two times that Jesus leaves Jewish territory — and it signifies the expansion of Jesus’ ministry beyond his

Night highway driving

Staying in Your Lane

Preached at Gentle Spirit Christian Church, Atlanta, Ga. Reading: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 The Parable of the Sower The Gospel reading for today centers on what is known as the Parable of the Weeds. In the Gospel of Matthew, it follows what is known as the

Man in a Winner Pose Walking on the Road

From Staying to Going

Read the rest of the Via Transformativa: From Glory to Glory series Jubilee! Circle, Columbia, S.C. Readings for the Third Sunday of Easter: O that we might see some good! (Psalm 4 NRSV) … Their eyes were opened. (Luke 24:13-35) Our first song comes from

Glasses resting on Bible

From Jailbird to Freebird: The Prison of Popularity

Jubilee! Circle, Columbia, S.C. Readings for the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost: Has not one God created us? (Malachi 1:14-2:10) They do not practice what they preach… (Matthew 23:1-12) Our first song this morning comes from country and rockabilly singer Steve Earle. He began his career

Glasses resting on Bible

From Jailbird to Freebird: The Prison of Judgment

Jubilee! Circle, Columbia, S.C. Readings for the 20th Sunday after Pentecost: And the Lord changed his mind. (Exodus 32:1-14) Invite everyone you find to the wedding banquet. (Matthew 22:1-10) Our first song this morning comes from the Atlanta-based duo known as the Indigo Girls. Welcome

Glasses resting on Bible

Whee! We! Wee! All the Way Home: Our True Home

Jubilee! Circle, Columbia, S.C. Readings for the 15th Sunday after Pentecost: Give me understanding… (Psalm 119:33-42) Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them. (Matthew 18:15-20) English singer and songwriter Dave Mason first found fame by founding the band

Glasses resting on Bible

Whee! We! Wee! All the Way Home: Being Extremists

Jubilee! Circle, Columbia, S.C. Readings for the 11th and 12th Sunday after Pentecost: I have been very zealous for the Lord. (1 Kings 19:9-18) Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table. (Matthew 15:10-28) Our first song tonight comes from the

Glasses resting on Bible

To Divinity and Beyond! Playfulness

Jubilee! Circle, Columbia, S.C. Readings for Pentecost Sunday: The earth is full of your creatures! (Psalm 104:24-33) Receive the realm of God like a child… (Mark 10:13-16) Our first song tonight comes from the British rock band Queen. Formed in 1971, the band consisted of