All posts by Rev. Dr. Jerry S. Maneker

Boy with partially covered face

Confronting Internalized Homophobia

I know right out of the starting blocks that this article is going to offend a great many people, but I feel very strongly that many LGBT people are seriously sabotaging the cause for full and equal civil rights by referring to themselves by the

Adult boy in building

Gay Bashing: The Politics of Religion

For many years I’ve been deeply concerned with, and fought against, the savage oppression of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (hitherto referred to as LGBT) people in our society that claims to be “the land of the free.” The discrepancy between our “real culture” (what,

Adult boy in building

Why the Lack of Expressed Outrage?

I can’t think of any reason why most all LGBT people, and decent people everywhere, aren’t outraged at the fact that our LGBT brothers and sisters being demonized, and denied full and equal civil and sacramental rights! I do think that the outrage is there,