All posts by Nate Nelson

Wedding rings on dictionary

Subsidiarity and the Same-Sex Marriage Debate

There is a strong liberal argument against amending the U.S. Constitution to ban same-sex marriage, and we’re all familiar with it: GLBT people are people who deserve equal justice under the law, and we should not break our long constitutional tradition of expanding freedom by

Two men holding hands in a field

Abundant Bodies

There are many ways to think about allowing abundance, about asking and receiving the harvest. One can think about it in ecclesial terms: churches, faith communities, and movements ask their members to give generously from their abundance of talents and finances in order to support

Wedding rings on dictionary

Pro-Life, Pro-Family… Anti-Adoption?

On February 9, ten Republican members of the Ohio House of Representatives introduced the Adoptive and Foster Children’s Protection Act (H.B. 515), which would prohibit GLBT individuals and those who reside with us from adopting or fostering children. The passage of H.B. 515 would be