All posts by Dr. Robert N. Minor

Hands doing an explaining gesture

We All Have Histories

We have accepted the dominant line if we believe that only when Barack Obama talks is race an issue or that only when Hillary Clinton speaks is gender involved. We’re not supposed to ask how whiteness is behind what Clinton or John McCain say or

Boy with partially covered face

Why Would a Nice Boy Shoot Up His School?

In February it was a mass shooting at another university by a “gentle, warm, sensitive” young man whom acquaintances described as a student who didn’t fit the profile of a killer. Yet, he was a male in American culture, and therefore the likely gender for


Let Them Hit Bottom

There are clear signs that right-wing dominance is waning. But it’s not time for us to celebrate or think that their fall is irreversible. It’s time instead to make sure we aren’t under them, trying to prop up their egos, while they fall. It’s time

Black man playing with a magnifying glass

There’s Money, Not Bigotry, in Our Genes

There’s big, big money available for anyone who’s ready to find the source of all human problems in our genes. It can construct whole institutes and enormous buildings. You’d have thought that with all that money around we would have found a genetic cause for

Pride celebration

Those June Gay Lifestyle Expos

It wouldn’t be the first time that someone pointed out that Gay Pride Festivals aren’t gay pride festivals anymore. They’re no longer defiant statements that affirm against mainstream bigotry that LGBT people are proud and healthy anyway. They’re now concerned with being liked by the

Friends watching sports in the living room

Graduating From the Accelerated ‘Straight 101’ Class

Last November, the New Life Church, a model fundamentalist mega-church he had founded in Colorado Springs, ousted fifty-year-old Ted Haggard, its senior pastor. A darling not only of Republican Christianity (Haggard participated in regular conference calls with Bush), but of his own 14,000 member religious

Wedding rings on dictionary

Marriage Amendments Threaten Religious Freedom

There’s another argument to be made when we fight state and federal marriage amendments. It has the potential to take back the debate because it’s about the Constitution and the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom. There’s no doubt that the need for marriage equality