All posts by Rev. Suzie Chamness

Two men holding hands in a field

Abundant Giving

And then Jesus said, “Truly I tell you this poor widow has put in more than all of them; for all of them have contributed out of their abundance, but she, out of her poverty has put in all she had to live on.” (Luke

Hand reaching toward sunlight

Vision and Promise for a New Us!

What I see happening in our future faith of the GLBT community of faith is finding our future by looking to the past. We need to know our faith roots to move to the present. I know that sounds heart-wrenching for some of us, me

Dove flying in Lisbon, Portugal

Comfort in the Pain

Not that I have any greater insight into questions of God, but like many I have my understanding. Is it right/wrong? I have no idea but like most I plan to share it with you and hope that it will be of benefit to someone

Dove flying in Lisbon, Portugal

Staying in the Moment

I have found a great challenge these last few months I want to share. Being a seminary student, I am required to work and attend classes in a hospital environment as part of the credits for my Divinity degree. This is called CPE (Clinical Pastoral