Category Archives: Letters to the Editor

Old letters bound with twine

Letters to the Editor

Editor: I thoroughly enjoyed the article [God Bless America by Candace Chellew]. I would point out that while material possessions are not an indicator of God’s blessing, many in the Old Testament were described as being blessed as demonstrated by their material wealth. This would

Old letters bound with twine

Letters to the Editor

Editor: I just wanted to say that I appreciated your piece entitled Evolving Toward Perfection. In it you make mention of a great number of things that I have tried to say and convey in my life. I feel that I have been successful in

Old letters bound with twine

Letters to the Editor

Editor: I am African American and I don’t appreciate being compared with your struggle. Leave us out of it. You can never know what it is like and yet organizations like yours continue to make such a statement. Just as you are convinced that Life

Old letters bound with twine

Letters to the Editor

Editor: I just want you to know how much I eagerly await each issue and how much the site helps to nourish my soul. David   Editor: While doing some research on the Internet, I came across your site. While I am not homosexual, I

Old letters bound with twine

Letters to the Editor

Editor: I happened across your site. It is wonderful. I look forward to hours of reading and studying it. God is blessing others through the plan He has for your life. Many will be touched and comforted because you have allowed His will in your

Old letters bound with twine

Letters to the Editor

Editor: Upon reading your article God Bless America, I was struck by the conclusion that you would have many to agree with your point of view in the eastern block countries of the former Soviet Union, China and also India. Their governments do not make

Old letters bound with twine

Letters to the Editor

Editor: I just found your Web site today. What a blessing this will be for me. I am 40 this summer with two daughters. I have just made the decided to follow my heart. I have always been deeply religious. I look forward to what

Old letters bound with twine

Letters to the Editor

Editor: That was the best article I’ve read in a long time (Patricia Nell Warren’s Choice in Sexual Orientation: The Sword That Cuts Both Ways). Very powerful. I’m struggling myself and this was a huge help. Very well said. Thank you. Carmen   Editor: I

Old letters bound with twine

Letters to the Editor

Editor: I read the article on Letting Go by Stacy Reynolds. She is an awesome writer and has obviously given this topic much thought. I enjoyed your magazine. Especially your poetry section. Brenda   Editor: Thank you so much for the article on your current

Old letters bound with twine

Letters to the Editor

Editor: I have just this afternoon found Whosoever, and I just wanted to send you my great thanks! I am 26, gay, living in NYC, and been discerning for the ministry for a couple of years in the ELCA. I have yet to find (and