Seminar 3: The New Testament and Homosexuality

One installment of a three-part series

From Romans 1 to 1 Corinthians, GLBT people are told that the New Testament is a source of condemnation of their very lives. When people quote Bible verses against GLBT people, these two verses are most often used from the New Testament.

In this seminar — co-hosted by Whosoever Founder Rev. Candace Chellew and Rev. Paul M. Turner, Senior Pastor of Gentle Spirit Christian Church — you’ll discover that these texts and other “clobber” passages from the New Testament are not texts of terror for GLBT, but instead are texts of hope and affirmation.

You’ll learn:

  • Why Romans 2 is just as important as Romans 1.
  • Why 1 Corinthians may hold more condemnation for those who condemn GLBT people.
  • How to answer those who use these verses to condemn you.

Whether you’ve heard this material a million times or if this is the first time, you’ll come away blessed and able to defend yourself whenever someone tries to use Scripture to condemn you.

Seminar Booklet: The New Testament and Homosexuality