Tag Archives: marriage

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Marriage Amendments Threaten Religious Freedom

There’s another argument to be made when we fight state and federal marriage amendments. It has the potential to take back the debate because it’s about the Constitution and the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom. There’s no doubt that the need for marriage equality

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It’s Time for This To Change

Sermon delivered on February 19, 2006 Text: 1 Samuel 3:1-20 A month or so ago, I became clear that I had to do something different in my life. It was one of those experiences that you can’t make happen – it happens to you. I

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Protecting All Families

On Monday, February 13, 2006 my partner and I, along with several other couples, went to the Richland County courthouse here in South Carolina to apply for a marriage license. This is the third time in as many years that we’ve visited the courthouse as

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Pro-Life, Pro-Family… Anti-Adoption?

On February 9, ten Republican members of the Ohio House of Representatives introduced the Adoptive and Foster Children’s Protection Act (H.B. 515), which would prohibit GLBT individuals and those who reside with us from adopting or fostering children. The passage of H.B. 515 would be

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Affirming Gay Marriage in the Christian Church

Two books, both arguing in favor of same-sex marriage, yet as different as can be! In Blessing Same-Sex Unions, Mark Jordan writes in an often ironic tone. Why should gays and lesbians aspire to receive the church’s blessing on their unions if heterosexual marriage is

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A Victory Over Intolerance

On December 5th, 2005 the proposal to legalise marriage for same-sex couples in the form of the Civil Partnership Bill became law in the United Kingdom. This occurred 48 years after the publication of The Wolfenden Report, a 1957 British government study officially entitled the

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Two Years of Fairness in Massachusetts

After two years of marriage equality in Massachusetts, it seems an appropriate moment to salute Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), the seven plaintiff couples who sacrificed their privacy in the name of equality, as well as MassEquality, the coalition that has preserved marriage

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The Non-Wedding: A Poem

The story behind the poem: The mother of one of the grooms is a friend of mine, and all through the months leading up to the big day, she would start to say “wedding,” then catch herself and substitute “commitment ceremony”. I finally said, “Honey,