Tag Archives: Palm Sunday

Plants at Volunteer Park Conservatory, Seattle, United States

Imagineā€¦ The Possibilities

Jubilee! Circle, Columbia, S.C., March 27, 2010 Garden of Grace United Church of Christ, Columbia, S.C., March 28, 2010 Readings for Palm Sunday: The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. (Psalm 118:19-29) If these were silent, the stones would shout out.

Friends running on the beach

The Passion of April Fools

There are two tendencies that do not seem balanced to me. Some spiritual leaders have focused strongly on the torturous nature of Christ’s death at Calvary. Listening to their sermons is about as graphic as watching some crime scene investigation movie. The focus on the

Plants at Volunteer Park Conservatory, Seattle, United States

Love Makes You Do Stupid Things

Metropolitan Community Church of Columbia, S.C. Readings for Passion Sunday: 4 The Lord GOD has given me the tongue of a teacher, that I may know how to sustain the weary with a word. Morning by morning he wakens — wakens my ear to listen

Plants at Volunteer Park Conservatory, Seattle, United States

The Spiritual Crisis of Coming Out

A few weeks ago, as I prepared my sermon for Palm Sunday, it occurred to me that the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem was, in a sense a “coming out” for Jesus. Having previously downplayed and hushed his identity as the promised Messiah (though