Tag Archives: Thich Nhat Hanh

Children playing in Cao Lãnh, Vietnam

Cosmic Kindergarten: Play Nice

Read the rest of the Via Positiva: Cosmic Kindergarten series Jubilee! Circle, Columbia, S.C. Readings for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost: I will strike you down and cut off your head. (1 Samuel 17:32-51) Peace! Be still! (Mark 4:35-41) Our first song comes from a

Glasses resting on Bible

In Your Dreams! Nightmares

Jubilee! Circle, Columbia, S.C. Readings for the Eighth Sunday after Epiphany:  I will not forget you. (Isaiah 49:8-16) Do not be anxious about your life… (Matthew 6:24-34) Joseph Fidler Walsh was born in 1947 in Wichita, Kansas. During his career Joe Walsh played in several

Library interior

Books That Bless

My love affair with books began long before I could read. I remember carrying around a particular book as a child. I could not make out a word of it, but I liked the look and feel of the book in my hands. I liked

Man flipping the page of a Bible

Living the Way of Truth

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but by me.” (John 14:6) We all seek the truth. Whether we are Christian or not, gay or not, believers or not, we all want

Man holding bible

Inerrancy and Insolence

Nobody likes to be wrong. Being wrong means we have put our faith in the wrong things, believed the wrong information, maybe even been intentionally misled. Being proved wrong is no fun, and makes us question our intelligence, and makes us less trusting of future