Tag Archives: war

Young Man With Smoke Grenade

Religion As a Literal Battlefield

I am in the middle of grading student papers on our unit on Religious Oppression and Christian Hegemony. Below in the initial quotation is how one student began her essay with my response: “I feel very fortunate to have not been raised as a member

Soldiers boarding airplane

Confessing Christ in a World of Violence

Because of a deep and growing concern about an emerging “theology of war” in the White House, the increasingly frequent language of “righteous empire,” and official claims of “divine appointment” for a nation and president in the “war” on terrorism, I have joined with several

Soldiers boarding airplane

Sorrows of War: What Would Augustine Say?

Though Augustine is widely known — and frequently reproached — for developing the concept of a “just war,” he believed war is essentially an occasion for remorse. “The wise person will wage just wars,” he wrote, but even the possibility of war “should cause humans