Volume 15, Issue 5
You Are My God
Cover Stories
You Are My God
By Rev. Candace Chellew
How often do we chase after the false gods of becoming “ex-gay” or suppressing our God given gift of sexuality? How often do we fall for the lie that God hates who we are and wants us to pursue the false god of a “cure”?
Our Wild, Untamable God
By Lori Heine
The God revealed to us in Jesus Christ is too big to be captured by any one sect, nation, generation or political philosophy. “He” is untamed and un-tamable — we might almost say wild.
From the Dust Bowl to Your Destiny
By Steve Schmidt
Meaningful spiritual discovery occurs on the journey.
No Small Task
By Rev. Suzie Chamness
Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” There are three truths we can draw from this Psalm.
Seek Ye First
By John H. Campbell
Never be afraid to seek God first, or put God first, regardless of what another might say in judgment of you as an LGBT individual.
When the Right Wing Claims Their Words Don’t Matter
By Dr. Robert N. Minor
When gay-bashers around the country torture, torment, and kill lesbians, gay men, transgender people, and those perceived to be, they often are repeating words spoken from pulpits.
The Denial of Same-Sex Marriage Rights
By Rev. Dr. Jerry S. Maneker
Whenever any politicians or clergy seek to deny equal rights to Gay people, it is about “hate,” and about nothing else!
The Politics of Wounding
By Jeremy Biles
The sewing is a gesture of wounding that seeks to close what should remain open: lips that speak and bread broken in compassionate community.
Better Starts Now
By Elena Meredith
As a part of journalist Dan Savage’s project, a host of celebrities and politicians have been delivering the message to GLBTQ teens that “it gets better.” Author Kelly Huegel is here to tell you that better starts now.
Declared “Not Guilty”
By Rev. Dr. Jerry S. Maneker
If you carry any baggage of guilt, shake it off, as did Paul; if people misunderstand or judge you in any way, realize that God is the supreme Judge and He has already declared you to be “not guilty!”
Egyptian Hope; American Pessimism
By Dr. Robert N. Minor
These were not people waiting for top-down action to lead them to their future. They were not taught to believe that the solution to our problems is electing the right leaders from a very limited number of bought-out choices who will heroically bring “change you can believe in.”
Unity Launches Online Resource for LGBT Community
By Mary Earls
Unity is offering spiritual resources specifically targeted to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons and their families and friends.
From the Pulpit
Words and Hands That Kill
By Rev. Micah Royal
In Proverbs 18:21 we are warned “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Our words can kill.
In Your Dreams! Dare to Dream
By Rev. Candace Chellew
We are God’s people — that means we can dare to dream — and co-create with the Holy to make those dreams come true.
In Your Dreams! Stumbling Toward Our Dreams
By Rev. Candace Chellew
Instead of being chased by your fears, I invite you to chase your dreams, and send your fears fleeing.
In Your Dreams! Daydreams
By Rev. Candace Chellew
If we are to make the world a better place for us, and for everyone around us, we must dedicate ourselves to “come and see” and become daydream believers.
In Your Dreams! Waking Up
By Rev. Candace Chellew
When you are asleep, you can’t be generous. Those who slumber never do justice. Those who snooze miss the righteousness boat. Those who nap are never firm of heart, and those who prefer lying around in bed are often those who are most fearful — keeping their heads under the covers.