All posts by Rev. Dr. Jerry S. Maneker


Declared ‘Not Guilty’

“Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth.” (Romans 8:33) To be “justified” by God is one of the many promises given us by God as recorded in Scripture! I want to focus on that word, “justified” in

Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis

A Church for the 21st Century

“And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.” (Mark 3:25) Particularly in the last several years we have seen the Church increasingly fractured by polarization attendant upon such variables as differences in biblical interpretation, degree of inclusivity

Hands holding seedling

Flee Toxic Churches and Clergy

As I’ve often written, many clergy within the institutional Church preach and teach the false gospel of legalism, perfectionism, and exclusion and thereby do immeasurable harm to the emotional and spiritual lives of those who allow themselves to be exposed to that kind of toxic

Boy with partially covered face

Don’t Defame the Dignity of LGBT People

In my opinion, a distinction has to be made between “hedonism” and “Gay,” and much public persona of Gay people, and the commentators on all too many LGBT-oriented websites, seem to be more hedonistic than Gay. Frivolity, indecency, and use of hateful epithets as self-identifiers

People Wearing Multicolored Socks

The Counterproductive Nature of Pride Parades

Editor’s note: Joe Jervis made his first post of “Watching the Defectives” in 2005 and began reposting it every June since; here’s an index of them.  In his Saturday, June 19th posting of a piece titled “Watching the Defectives” on his blog Joe.My.God, Joe Jervis published