All posts by Lori Heine

Hands doing an explaining gesture

How To Talk to Our Straight Allies

It is time for us to speak to our straight allies in a way that moves them from being – all too often – benignly neutral to taking a real stand on our side. There are basically three types of straight people: harmful, harmless and

Rainbow over walkway

We Got Next

Too often, when we make out our lists of resolutions for the New Year, they seem like drudgery. And if the very chore of making up a list is drudgery, we can only imagine what trying to carry out our resolutions might be like. Maybe

Hands making heart shape

Knowing Our Place

I miss my mother, who passed away a year and a half ago after wasting away with Alzheimer’s disease. I sometimes wonder if anyone will ever love me again as she did: unconditionally, and with a deep respect for who I am. I see those

Man worrying with furrowed brow

As the World Gives

“I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” -John 14:27 I recall the exact moment I decided to come out as a lesbian. I was working late at night

Dandelion blowing in the wind

Want Freedom Fries with That?

“I am the Decider” (King George the Last) “To be, or not to be? That is the question.” (Prince Hamlet) “You will know the truth. And the truth will make you free.” (John 8:32) “I AM WHO I AM”…”Let my people go, so that they

Tealight Candle on Human Palms

The World Meets God: Mediating an Introduction

“World, meet God!” Does that sound like a silly and totally unnecessary introduction? Even in the midst of our religion-steeped society, I’m inclined not to think so. Maybe especially here and now. Jesus is, of course, supposed to have already introduced the world to God,

Dove flying in Lisbon, Portugal

The ‘Duh!’ of a Disciple

A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. But (Jesus) was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and (the disciples) woke him up and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that


One at a Time

Over the decade I’’ve been out as a lesbian, I have learned a great deal about evangelical Christians. Most of what I’ve learned that’s proven to be worthwhile, that’s proven to be trustworthy, I’ve learned from my own, personal experience. Stereotypes and groupthink have proven

Dandelion blowing in the wind

Untakeable, Unshakable Joy

So you have pain now; but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you. (John 16:22) This great promise comes from the lips of Jesus Himself. So many people in our world do try

Tealight Candle on Human Palms

Canaries in the Mine

I’m going to make a seemingly odd claim. I think, nonetheless, that it’s a true one. The gift gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender believers bring, among so many others, is that of safeguarding the state – the overall health – of the Body of Christ