Category Archives: Faith & Witness

Dove flying in Lisbon, Portugal

Losing God: An Essay on Faith

It was a hard thing to lose God. I don’t remember what day it was, or what the weather was like, but I remember feeling lonely. I had to make a choice, God or the life I felt led to experience. It was a lonely

Women holding hands in crosswalk sign

The Difference Between Conformity and Change

A few days ago, one Diane Parker wrote to the Journal American with her own argument that homosexuality is not genetic. She believes that the “reformed homosexuals” now visible in certain videos, programs and organizations is compelling proof that homosexuals can really change. I am

Christmas ornament with reindeer Santa and sleigh

Do We Really Need Christmas?

The Christmas season is here and folks all over the world are in various stages of preparation. There is excitement as we put up trees, lights and decorations of all kinds. Retail stores in the United States brace for the Christmas rush which began in

Woman sitting in silence on lake dock

Coming Out to God: Being Gay and Christian

Taking the first step “I am a lesbian.” I was 16 years old, staring into the mirror when I first uttered those words out loud. They were hard to say, even harder to hear. I knew by saying it I had to make a choice.

Wedding rings on dictionary

Marriage: For Love or Money?

Over the last several months the debate concerning “gay marriage” has risen to new heights of passion and meanness. I suspect the basic reason for this is centered around power and control issues. Those who have defined marriage as the exclusive right of heterosexuals want