This message is intended for those wondering if their sexual orientation is keeping them from being a child of God. This, indeed, is a time of harvest and many of us wrongly assume we are unable to be harvested.
The main thing that prevents us from closeness with God and being usable by God is our own self-loathing. For that matter, I’m convinced that it is usually self-loathing that paves the way to sin and rebellion – but that’s another discussion.
Sin keeps us from God’s perfect will for our lives. While we all go through wilderness experiences, an advantage that “straight” Christians enjoy is that once having accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, and having renounced sin, they can assume that their deliverance will be certain and complete. While they may face trials, they can be assured and confident in God’s promise.
Gay Christians are not so fortunate. Even after accepting Christ, many are steeped in shame and self-loathing, even while living blamelessly.
Others who have loved the Lord in their youth, or who seek His truth in the present, end up rejecting the Gospel because of all the bad press. Don’t we remember that many of us are just as embarrassed by pride parade festoonery as God-filled Christians are by the Falwells and Robertsons?!
The enemy would like to limit us by our stereotypic notions, but I know the devil is a liar!
If you know that God has a plan for you; if you have experienced His hand pulling you from destruction; if you have reached the undeniable conclusion that God continues to bless and demonstrate His love for you; then I urge you to obey that calling to serve. Ignore every other negative voice. If you’re considering joining a church, I recommend that you write a letter to your prospective pastor and put him/her on the spot. I’m certain they will ultimately have to admit that you are welcome, or else they are not worth their salt.
I am in a church that is not reconciling, or gay friendly, but that’s what God chose, and which I prefer. My partner and I are supported as individuals, and that’s all I want it to be. I also humbly advise that you make the priority of your choice of church home be Word related, not whether or not your gayness will be accepted. What if Jesus had waited until he thought everyone would accept and approve of Him? The Gospel of Christ is subversive! That being said, however, do not be contentious or confrontational, just honest. Remember, you’re building relationships!
Perhaps a good starting point is to start watching Christian television. Some of it’s really bad, but be patient, you’ll get a right-now word from one of those shows, so be open. Make sure to ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern those speaking truth from false prophets. Find someone whose preaching resonates with your own growing understanding of God. Then keep your eyes open. The Lord will bring people into your life that can lead you to a local church that teaches the Word, and that will help you discover your destiny and purpose.
Put off by the Christian Coalition types? Know that there is a Christian “left” (particularly true of most black churches), just as much as there is a Christian “right.” They just don’t receive the media attention.
The best thing to do, though, is start reading your Bible. Read it the whole thing, in order, not devotionals in dribbles and drabs. Start by reading the New Testament, then read the Old. Have the King James Version always, but go to a bookstore and sit with a few translations to see which one you’re most comfortable reading – one which you can see yourself reading without losing your thread of understanding.
That’s all, but there’s so much more. I pray that you grow to know how important you are, and how much you are loved and cherished.
God is covering you in His grace.