The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America made history on May 8 when its Sierra Pacific Synod elected Rev. Megan Rohrer as their bishop, marking the first time an openly transgender person was elevated to the role in a mainline American Christian denomination.
Rohrer (they/he), who was called while serving as pastor of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in San Francisco, will be installed on July 1 to serve the synod that includes about 200 congregations in northern and central California and northern Nevada.
The ELCA officially opened its doors to LGBTQ+ ministry in 2009 when it voted to allow non-celibate gay ministers to serve, becoming become the nation’s largest denomination to do so. For their part, Rohrer had already been ordained extraordinarily in 2006 via the Extraordinary Candidacy Project (now Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries). The ELCA’s recognition in 2010 of Rohrer’s ordination made them the denomination’s first openly transgender pastor.
“Megan has always found themself walking alongside in solidarity with, and to provide safety for, those lifting their voices for justice,” ELM said in a statement. “Today, history was made in our church! ELM celebrates a church that now recognizes the gifts of queer leaders like Bishop-elect Rohrer and we anticipate the day when all queer ministry leaders will be called to ministry settings without hindrance or barrier and will be affirmed in their God-given calls.”
The ELCA called its first openly gay bishop in 2013 with the elevation of Rev. Dr. R. Guy Erwin to serve its Southwest California Synod.
The Episcopal Church in 2003 was the first major Christian denomination to elect an openly gay bishop, the Right Rev. V. Gene Robinson — a move that rocked the Anglican Communion, prompting some U.S. congregations to join foreign dioceses and others to form a rival Anglican denomination.
While the world waits for Pastor Rohrer’s leadership, their social media presence paints a picture of a minister who moves through life with humility, warmth and a healthy sense of humor and history. Here’s a sampling.
For starters, they speak both Boomer and Gen X.
Most of my ministry has been a combination of Rev Fred Rogers and Sister Act.
— Bishop-elect Megan Rohrer (@mmrohrer) May 17, 2021
They’re all for self-care — and also for a person’s right to tangle with glitter.
May self care find you in glitter covered pots.
— Bishop-elect Megan Rohrer (@mmrohrer) May 15, 2021
They recognize the realness of the quarantine-heightened plant-parent struggle.
Blessings to all who struggle with plant care.
— Bishop-elect Megan Rohrer (@mmrohrer) May 9, 2021
They know that call-and-response can happen anywhere, including Twitter.
All the time!
— Bishop-elect Megan Rohrer (@mmrohrer) May 10, 2021
On the question of preferred pronouns, they break it down.
Like many folk may have special names loved ones call them, I have different pronoun preferences in different contexts. Consider asking trans people “what pronouns would you like to use in this context?” They may use the same pronouns all the time or have choices based on safety.
— Bishop-elect Megan Rohrer (@mmrohrer) May 13, 2021
They have an elegant, loving response to a seemingly complicated question.
Anything that is said with kindness.
— Bishop-elect Megan Rohrer (@mmrohrer) May 12, 2021
They can snark, throw shade and cancel body shaming in 79 characters.
May those who with an opinion about other people’s bodies forget to share them.
— Bishop-elect Megan Rohrer (@mmrohrer) May 19, 2021
They call out transphobia in a relatable way.
Someone once told me that if children distract you in the pews, the problem is not the children but your ability to focus on God. I wonder if the same is true about folk distracted by trans people in the church?
— Bishop-elect Megan Rohrer (@mmrohrer) May 14, 2021
They challenge us to get out of our comfort zones, reminding us that the best way to relate to trans people is to listen.
There are more than 21 trans Saints in Orthodox and Catholic Saints calendars. Hagiographies glorify details about their bodies, but do not mention what they prayed for. Dear ones, ask faithful trans people what they pray for and pray with us.
— Bishop-elect Megan Rohrer (@mmrohrer) May 14, 2021
They underscore the fundamental importance of a loving home.
You are welcome. And thank you for doing the work that saves lives: loving your child!
— Bishop-elect Megan Rohrer (@mmrohrer) May 16, 2021
They pull focus back to where it belongs.
I promised to focus on evangelism. What a gift to be able to share my faith and stories about Jesus with nearly ever major media outlet over these past 4 days.
— Bishop-elect Megan Rohrer (@mmrohrer) May 13, 2021
They remind us who we’re called to serve.
I’m so glad! Everyone feeling renewed hope, come prayer with us, join us in worship (online and in person) and join us in the world supporting the poor and powerless.
— Bishop-elect Megan Rohrer (@mmrohrer) May 12, 2021
And last but not least, they’ve got serious historical perspective.
The first council of Nicaea’s first action was to try to limit the leadership roles of trans pastors and bishops. I’m grateful the Lutherans of the @sps_elca are beginning to dismantle this and some of the the other hurdles BIPOC and LGBTQ pastor’s encounter.
— Bishop-elect Megan Rohrer (@mmrohrer) May 9, 2021

An adult convert to Christianity who somehow managed to grow up largely unchurched in the South but was always a spiritual seeker, Lance Helms (he/him) was baptized at age 28 and since 2006 has been a member of Gentle Spirit Christian Church of Atlanta.