Search Results for: transgender

John 3:16

Volume 2, Issue 2

Can You Be Transgender and Christian? Cover Stories Transgender Christians, Gays and Our Common Bond By Robyn M. E. Shanor, Ph.D., M.Div. Being a transgender Christian is in many ways similar to being a gay Christian. We face a number of the same issues, and

Neon cross overlooking city at night

A Transsexual Theology

So God created humanity in God’s own image, in the image of God, God created humanity; male and female God created them. (Genesis 1:27) There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are

Surfing dog

Being a Crazy Dog for Christ

Abundant Grace Community Church of Atlanta, Ga. Reading for the 24th Sunday after Pentecost: And in his teaching he said, “Beware of the scribes, who like to go about in long robes, and to have salutations in the market places and the best seats in

Black man praying

Volume 2, Issue 1

Morality: Living a Life of Integrity as an LGBT Christian Cover Stories Homosexual Morality: Living a Life of Integrity As a Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual Christian By Candace Chellew To many, homosexuality equals immorality. How can we lead lives of integrity and morality as gays,

Black male hands resting on an open Bible

Lifestyle or Licentiousness?

Think “gay lifestyle” and you think sex. That’s the lesson my mother taught me. She told me that the “gay lifestlye” is all about sex. I was shocked, because I thought about all the times I defended myself as a gay man because it’s my

Hand reaching toward sunlight

Living Faith in Launceston, Australia

Pilgrim Uniting Church is part of the Uniting Church in Australia, (UCA) an amalgamation of the Methodist, Congregational and most Presbyterian Churches. This year we celebrate our twentieth birthday. Importantly, at the National Assembly to be held in Perth, Western Australia in July this year,

Catholic woman praying with a rosary at the church

Coming Out to God: The Path of Homospirituality

Since that especially brilliant issue on “Homospirituality: A Queer Kind of Faith,” it seems that spiritual concept is always on my mind, in the deepest places of my spirit, even in my body–God’s Temple. (Sound scary?) I see the hallmarks of homospirituality as being the