Category Archives: Society

Women holding hands in crosswalk sign

Homosexuals and the Decline in Family Values

I am so sick of people saying that homosexuals are the cause of declining “family values”, what I’d like to know is HOW does that work? People have a tendency to blame anything and anybody but themselves when things aren’t going the way they think

The Capitol, Washington, D.C.

Rev. Troy Perry Calls for Apology from Lott

The head of the world’s largest Christian denomination with a primary ministry to gays and lesbians today called for an apology from Senator Trent Lott. In remarks on June 15, Lott called homosexuality a “sin” and noted, “There are all kinds of problems and addictions

Couple holding hands in front of a rainbow flag

A Visit to Focus On The Family

From PFAW’s Right Wing Watch Online For dedicated watchers of the Religious Right, Focus on the Family has always been a bit apart from the rest of the pack. Its budget far outstrips the other major movement organizations – six times larger than the Christian

Stack of newspapers

News in Brief

Gay Marriage Victory in Hawaii Put On Hold Gay and lesbian couples will have to wait a little longer to walk down the aisle in Hawaii. A judge who ruled the state must recognize same-sex marriage put the order on hold to give the state

Wedding rings on dictionary

Same-Sex Marriage: The Unholy Battle Over Matrimony

There are names synonymous with the struggle for gay and lesbian civil rights: Stonewall, Bowers v. Hardwick, Baehr vs. Lewin. Baehr v. Lewin? That’s the lawsuit in Hawaii that started this recent push for same-sex marriage. In 1993, that state’s Supreme Court ruled in that

Wedding rings on dictionary

Same-Sex Marriage: A Return to Tradition

Tradition. In every argument I hear against same-sex marriage, that word is used. Opponents worry that gay and lesbian marriages will go against “tradition.” At first I believed they were right, and that, yes, gay and lesbian marriages would not be traditional, and that would

Wedding rings on dictionary

A Change of Heart on Tying the Knot

“She barred me from his hospital room!” “How could she do that? I thought you had power of attorney!” “Well, I do. But she went to court and had herself declared his guardian and had the power of attorney revoked.” “I didn’t know she could

Wedding rings on dictionary

Marriage: The Ultimate Perk

For months now, the news has echoed with angry sound bites from enemies of same-sex marriage. Homosexual nuptials, it’s being said, will tarnish the “sanctity” of heterosexual marriage. Gosh, do these folks ever read the newspaper? Or a history book? Marriage has already been deeply