Tag Archives: arsenokoitai

Wedding rings on dictionary

The Bible and Same-Sex Marriage

The church is not of one mind. I expect this issue to continue to be raised until society comes to terms with it. (Bishop Elias Galvan of Seattle, speaking on March 21, 2004 after Methodist minister Rev. Karen Dammann was acquitted in a church trial

Dove flying in Lisbon, Portugal

A Letter to Louise, Part 5

Read the rest of the series THE NEW TESTAMENT In the New Testament there are three passages to consider. Romans 1:21, 26, 27 Revised Standard Version 21 for although they knew God they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him… 26

Dove flying in Lisbon, Portugal

Dear Pastors

Dear Pastors, We are writing you this letter in hopes that you will understand our thoughts on same-sex marriages and gay rights. In no way are we going to haunt you because of your opinion. We pray that this note will open you eyes to

Man flipping the page of a Bible

Gays in Heaven? Absolutely!

This is a comprehensive study that will give you, the reader, detailed, Scripture-based answers to the questions most commonly asked regarding what the Bible does and does not say about homosexuality. I grew up in a Fundamentalist church where they talked a lot about how

Man flipping the page of a Bible

Paul’s Greek: First Aid for Mistranslation

A friend recently wrote, “I recognize that there is one passage in 1 Corinthians that speaks specifically about ‘homosexuals.’ I’m still working through that one.” I responded, to his surprise, “I don’t believe this verse does speak specifically about homosexuals.” Even when English translations of