Tag Archives: bible and homosexuality

Statue of Roman men

Putting the ‘Bi’ in the Bible

If we know one thing about guys in ancient Rome, it’s that they swung both ways. “Roman society almost unanimously assumed that adult males would be capable of, if not interested in, sexual relations with both sexes,” as John Boswell noted back in his 1980

Man flipping the page of a Bible

Leviticus and the Holiness Code

Read the rest of the series The book of Leviticus was written for the people of Israel. It was a law book for them. It was also known as the Holiness Code. Leviticus was not only the book that recorded the law for the people

Man flipping the page of a Bible

Gays in Heaven? Absolutely!

This is a comprehensive study that will give you, the reader, detailed, Scripture-based answers to the questions most commonly asked regarding what the Bible does and does not say about homosexuality. I grew up in a Fundamentalist church where they talked a lot about how

LOVE Scrabble letters on bible

1 Timothy 1:9 | Malakoi and Arsenokoitai

Part of a series of essays on the Bible and homosexuality. Malakoi and arsenokoitai in 1 Timothy 1 Timothy 1:9 again refers to malakoi arsenokoitai which has been variously translated as homosexuals, sexual perverts etc. Again, the original meaning of the text as been lost.

LOVE Scrabble letters on bible

Jude 7 | Condemnation of the Sodomites

Part of a series of essays on the Bible and homosexuality. Condemnation of the Sodomites Jude 7 refers to the people of Sodom as “giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh.” Strange flesh has been variously translated as perverted sensuality, unnatural lust,

LOVE Scrabble letters on bible

The Bible and Homosexuality: Conclusion

Back to Index In summary: Homosexual activity in the temple by male prostitutes is clearly prohibited by the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). Homosexual activity in general may have been prohibited at the time by the Holiness Code, but that code is no longer binding on

LOVE Scrabble letters on bible

The Bible and Homosexuality: More Resources

Back to Index Websites Our Verses of Hope page provides passages that prove to LGBTQ+ people — and really, to everyone — that God loves us and is with us always; these passages far outnumber the six clobber passages. Homosexuality and Transgenderism Bible Study By