Tag Archives: Methodist

Wooden Church Tower

Mainline Called Uncounted Force for Change

The White House has an oft-overlooked religious ally for solving the country’s social problems through greatly expanded government programs, if a new survey of senior pastors in mainline Protestant churches is a good indication. Republican politicians and commentators have opposed President Obama’s economic stimulus initiatives

Wooden Church Tower

Gay Acceptance Has Advances and Setbacks in Three Denominations

“The Church’s Unfinished Sexual Revolution” was the title of an article in the spring 2006 issue of Yale Divinity School’s Reflections magazine. In it longtime Christian ethicist James B. Nelson described some progress in church thinking about sexual ethics, but contended that the church’s agenda

People holding retro television next to each other

Putting Faith in America

What do a defrocked Methodist minister, a furniture maker and a former, self-described, homophobic, right-wing bigot have in common? A commitment to ending religious-based discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. Their weapon of choice? Advertising. “These ads are intended to start something –