Tag Archives: prayer

Man In Yellow Protective Suit

An Old, New Way To Pray

Gamma, gamma, hey! Neuroscientists who have been studying Buddhist monks and how meditation affects the brain since the early 1990s have made some pretty phenomenal discoveries over the decades. Meditation on subjects such as compassion, loving-kindness and even just following the breath, is shown to

Rear view of a blond woman waiting at the train platform

The Best Things in Life

How long, O God? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? – Psalm 13 Indeed we call blessed those who showed endurance. You have heard of the endurance of Job, and you have seen the purpose of God,

Tattooed man praying

Midnight Prayer

Save me, O God, from the temptation to be less than fully human, less than the child of God You created me to be. Save me, O God, from the temptation to view my sexuality as a curse, rather than as a precious Gift with

Man flipping the page of a Bible

Prayer to Mary from Her Forgotten Children

There are times, Mary, when the world is dark and harsh and uninviting. But this is not news to you. You know all too well the language of anguish your gay and lesbian children speak when crying out against the hatred, fear, and religious discrimination