Tag Archives: Soulforce

Couple holding hands in front of a rainbow flag

The Difference Soulforce Can Make

Having been involved with Soulforce since its founding, and having been involved in several previous direct actions, I thought I knew what to expect in New Orleans during the Southern Baptist Convention. However, where there are no allies within the denomination, the experience is quite


Rev. D. James Kennedy Meets With Gay Christian Activist

News release MIAMI — An Easter weekend prayer vigil outside Coral Ridge Church by gay Christian activist, Richard Murphy, resulted in a meeting with Reverend D. James Kennedy, Leader of Coral Ridge Ministries in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Coral Ridge Ministries actively opposes gay civil right

Dove flying in Lisbon, Portugal

A Lambda Theology: Cabin Fever

Having stripped ourselves of the sacred texts of Sappho, Plato, Rumi, Dickenson, and countless others, in our eagerness to find a seat near (but not at) the Eucharistic table, I don’t want to find us the victim of a malady that I call “Cabin Fever

Rev. Mel White

Mel White Responds to the Critics

We at Soulforce have been roundly criticized for our act of civil disobedience at Cleveland’s United Methodist General Conference. One critic dismissed our efforts as “media-driven street theater.” We accept that as a compliment. For thirty years Protestant and Catholic leaders have debated the homosexuality

St Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol, UK

A Soulforce Response to the Sad News From Canterbury

The truth about God’s lesbian and gay children suffered a tragic (though temporary) setback this Wednesday, August 5, 1998. In Canterbury, England, bishops from 160 nations representing 70 million Anglicans worldwide (including the Episcopal Church in the U.S.) voted 526 to 70 (with 40 abstentions)

People holding retro television next to each other

Fighting Pat Robertson and His Rhetoric of Intolerance

Most Americans don’t even know that the popular, G-rated Family Channel was founded by televangelist Pat Robertson and is run by his son, Tim, as a very profitable “outreach” of Pat’s non-profit Christian Broadcasting Network. The Virginian-Pilot reported (Feb. 12) that Fox and other communication