Tag Archives: Thomas Merton

Person in black long sleeve shirt with white mask

The Hunger for Authenticity

Read the rest of the Via Negativa: The Hunger Games sermon series Jubilee! Circle, Columbia, S.C. Readings for the 18th Sunday after Pentecost: Let my life be given me. (Esther 7:1-6, 9-10, 9:20-22) Have salt in yourselves… (Mark 9:38-50) Be your note. (Rumi) Our first

Stained glass window image of Jesus

Jesus, Wake Up!

A pastor I know prominently displays in his home a photograph depicting an impressive lightning bolt during a storm. He said it reminds him where the true power in the world lies – with God – not with humans. It is God who holds the

Glasses resting on Bible

We’re One, But We’re Not the Same

Garden of Grace United Church of Christ, Columbia, S.C. Readings for Trinity Sunday (First Sunday after Pentecost): 2 Corinthians 13:5-14, Matthew 28:16-20 Is it getting better, or do you feel the same? Will it make it easier on you, now you got someone to blame?

Hand reaching toward sunlight

Behold the Butt of God

Readings: Exodus 33:12-23, Matthew 22:15-22 I used to think my dad was God. He was a Southern Baptist preacher and each Sunday I’d see him ascend onto the stage and take his place behind the pulpit. There he was – placed high above those of

Man flipping the page of a Bible

True Grit

Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 He had real grit, that Joshua. When his fellow spies felt like grasshoppers and the Canaanites looked like giants, Joshua and his friend Caleb urged the Hebrews to take them on even though their compatriots threatened to stone them for their advice.


Philip Yancey: Amazed by Grace | Interview

I first heard of Philip Yancey when his book What’s So Amazing About Grace? came out in 1997. Even though many people whom I respected raved about the book, I was not interested in reading the book. Why would I? It was written by a man

Apple on Tree in Orchard

Sin, Self and Thomas Merton

A number of years ago, at a parent’s night held at the school where I taught theology to junior high students, a parent asked a question no one had ever asked me before: “Who has been the greatest influence on your spiritual life?” I remember

Two people holding hands

Anger and Compassion

“God Hates Fags!” “Matthew Shephard is Burning in Hell!” “No Tears for Queers!” Those were just some of the signs being held aloft by the protesters at this year’s Gay Pride Parade in Atlanta. The protesters had come all the way to Atlanta from their