Category Archives: The Church

Black man playing with a magnifying glass

Decline in Conservative Churches

Religion-in-public news recently featured a Pew poll that demonstrated how many Americans mix faiths. More on that in some other week. Recent news stories raise a screech question: Will there long be faiths to mix in America? “Faiths” here means bodies of believers, gathered in

Hands sculpture water fountain

With All Our ‘Mite’

“(Jesus) sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. Then he called his disciples and said

Martin Luther statue

Study Process Aided ELCA Gay Breakthrough

Close on the heels of a similar decision by the Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America lifted its ban on calling gay and lesbian pastors and approved of supporting committed, same-sex relationships of church members. The 4.6-million-member ELCA, holding its weeklong Churchwide Assembly

St Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol, UK

Anglicans and Rome

The top ecumenical – some are saying un- or anti-ecumenical – news of the year occurred October 20th with a Vatican announcement. Bypassing forty years of Anglican-Roman Catholic conversations-cum-negotiations and blindsiding Archbishop Rowan Williams, the head of the seventy-million-member Anglican Communion, Vatican officials announced that


I’m Rubber, You’re Glue

As the old hymn says, “They will know we are Christians by our love.” Jesus made clear that the way the world will know we follow Him is by the consideration we show each other. This is why constructive dialogue between Christians is so important.

Man holding bible

No Accommodation of Toxic Religion

In an article that appeared in the August 7, 2009 edition of “Mother Jones” entitled, “The APA Nixes ‘Ex-Gay Therapy’: A Win for the Religious Right?” there is a reiteration of the fact that fundamentalism of all stripes, particularly including that which invokes “religion” and

Man holding bible

Toxic Religion and Self-Loathing

It must be emphasized that there is literally a world of difference between having a relationship with God and one’s adherence to the construction of man-made religion! A relationship with God defines love and compassion as its essence, and when legalism and perfectionism enter the

Hands waving

March Down Babylon

Most of Gay Americans are cowards. We’re so chicken-hearted, in fact, we just might be the New White Meat. What makes us so afraid? Not fag-bashers in a dark alley. Not police harassment when we go to a bar. Not the possibility of contracting HIV.