Volume 17, Issue 1

One New Humanity

Cover Stories

The Crazy Idea of “One New Humanity”
By Rev. Candace Chellew
Now is the time for LGBT people to be prophets of God’s dream of one humanity. Crazy, right?

The Sound the Universe Makes
By Lori Heine
We do need each other to make humanity whole. Only when each and every part of it is honored can that whole be complete.

One in the Spirit
By John H. Campbell
Oneness with God on an individual basis is a Joy and a Blessing, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all work together and cultivate a Greater sense of Oneness with one another?

All Are One
By Simyona Deanova
Jesus says we are all united as one body in his name. Has Jesus ever led you astray?


You Are God’s Child and You Are Not a Mistake!
By Rev. Paul M. Turner
Despite how it might feel right now, “tomorrow will be better,” I know because I have been there.

“We Look Like Mississippi”
By Dr. Robert N. Minor
“Conservative” has come to mean regressive, moving backward while the world moves in the opposite direction. It no longer means what “conservation” of natural resources or voting for Richard Nixon meant.

Child Abuse in the Name of God
By Warren J. Blumenfeld
I assert that the institutional bullying radiating from some religious denominations must stop!

Homophobic and Transphobic Violence as Killing the Self
By Rev. Dr. Jerry S. Maneker
Gay people and people of blended gender threaten the man-made construction, the fiction, of sexual and gender polarities as being “normal,” as being “the way things are meant to be.”

Southern Baptist Decline
By Martin E. Marty
The Baptists of the Southern/Great Commission persuasion were supposed to be exempt from (largely) white-Protestant-wide downward trends.

From the Pulpit

Pride Goeth Before Forgiveness
By Gary Simpson
Jesus understood forgiveness in the face of oppression.

Via Transformativa: From Glory to Glory / From Darkness to Light
By Rev. Candace Chellew
It is in the dark times that we grow — that we learn to see the world differently — that we learn that even dark times bring amazing blessings and even more amazing grace.

Via Transformativa: From Glory to Glory / From Death to Life
By Rev. Candace Chellew
If we embrace the mystery of “He is risen,” that means we must continue to live as Jesus has called us to live instead of using theories and arguments to keep him dead and out of the way.

Via Transformativa: From Glory to Glory / From Staying to Going
By Rev. Candace Chellew
Staying or going, going or staying — it’s all part of how we walk through this life and the key is this — do we walk with our eyes set on the Holy, or on our own insecurities?

Via Transformativa: From Glory to Glory / From Alive to Living
By Rev. Candace Chellew
A lot of us are alive, some of us may even be living — but very few of us ever truly come ALIVE!

Holy Humor

Why Noah Missed His Ark Building Deadline

The Temperature of Heaven