News release: Office of the Moderator, UFMCC
The Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches joins justice-seeking people within the United Methodist denomination and in the larger community in expressing profound sorrow and disappointment at the decision of the Conference delegates in Cleveland, Ohio to affirm and maintain discriminatory language against GLBT persons in the United Methodist Book of Discipline, and to thereby continue fostering homophobic attitudes and practices throughout the Methodist denomination.
Rev. Troy D. Perry states, “We regard this as yet another ‘missed opportunity’ on the part of a major Christian denomination to overthrow long-standing injustice in their midst. I am proud that a member of the UFMCC clergy, Rev. Mel White of SoulForce, led a peaceful, non-violent protest against the continuance of this discriminatory language and practice. I congratulate Rev. Mel White, the members of SoulForce, the clear-sighted Methodist delegates, supporters and allies of whatever sexual orientation, for standing with us and demanding justice for LGBT persons.”
He adds, “I am also grateful and proud of the many lay and Clergy members of Metropolitan Community Churches who were willing to join and stand with SoulForce and their allies in facing arrest as they offered their witness for justice.”
“We can only give thanks to God for these voices crying out together for Christ’s love and justice. Their action was a success regardless of the outcome of this particular Conference vote. God is continually working on our behalf and will renew our strength, until the day that the chorus for love and justice triumphs… until that day when the presence and the gifts of all God’s people are welcomed and celebrated, not only in the United Methodist Church, but throughout the body of Christ, and in every place where people of God join together.”