All posts by John H. Campbell

Hymnal music

In Perfect Harmony

Believe it or not, I was once a “rock star” (or at least, attempting to make it as one). I had four years of professional classical voice training (and even more “learning by experience,” which can often be a superior teacher in many ways) as

Colored leaves

I Can See Clearly Now

From time to time, when those people who do not know me inquire me about my faith or my religious beliefs, upon my telling them that I am a Christian, one of the usual questions that comes up is, “Are you ‘born again’?” Some of

Sunlight shining through leaf

Cultivating Awareness

To grasp God in all things — this is the sign of your new birth. (Meister Eckhart) Most individuals have found God most clearly in and through others. The Love of others is the Love of God Experienced in this life. (Wendy Wright) What if

Sunlight shining through leaf

Divine Inspiration

People often come up with funny analogies to describe God – “God the Artist,” “God the Teacher,” “God the Composer,” or “God The Counselor,” to name a few. The most interesting one I heard recently was “God the Theme Park Ride Restraint System,” holding us

Two men sitting and waiting

Loving Without Boundaries

Many people ask me at times, “What’s so difficult to YOU about being a Christian? You don’t subscribe to all of the dogmatic literalism, in fact, you’re too liberal for most liberal Christians. You don’t have all the little rules and formalities about liturgy and

Sunlight shining through leaf

Through a Glass Darkly

A friend called me recently with some concerns about spirituality. Knowing that although I have a somewhat unorthodox view and life that I am still a very spiritual person and a Christian, he approached me about God: how could he develop a relationship with God

Tattooed man praying

Common Ground, Holy Ground

Quite often, when someone finds out exactly what it is that I believe as a Christian, the question that many of them (mostly those who seem to have some issues with the idea of Christianity or spirituality of any kind in general) is, “Why even

Wedding rings on dictionary


Imagine a song with only one note, A rainbow with only one hue; A world where people all look the same, and everyone sounds alike too. Then look at the colors around you, thank God for each various shade; Tune in to the beautiful voices,

Child laughing holding Bible

The Best Medicine

I’m automatically suspicious of anyone who seems to possess either an extremely limited sense of humor or, even more so, none at all. Life without a sense of humor to me would be very dark and depressing, and I honestly feel that along with the

Child laughing holding Bible

Exodus of the 3 Stooges

(Author Unknown) Okay, so I’m writing something about humor, and I feel I have a good sense of humor but strangely enough, I could not come up with something I felt was funny regarding religion that is originally mine. I did, however, remember a piece