All posts by John H. Campbell


Season of Hope

I’m not really an avid television watcher but I do my fair share. Most times when watching something on the television, it’s a movie playing on cable or a DVD. Other than that, I get my news from C-Span, I watch the Food Network or

Two men holding hands in a field

A City on a Hill

“You’re what?” came the shocked response from the new person who I was engaged in conversation with. “Are you crazy? How can you possibly want to be? Who in their right mind would want to be one?” I knew this might be a tough one,

Two men holding hands in a field

Growing Pains

Of the many trials and tribulations that life can sometimes throw at us, there are few which are as nerve wracking, tedious and stressful as the one I currently find myself nearing the end of: moving to a new home. As I sit writing this,

Two men holding hands in a field

My Cup Runneth Over

There’s an old cliche saying that I still hear all the time: “Do you see the cup as half empty, of half full?” which is generally intended to determine one’s outlook on life as being negative or positive; those who determine the cup to be


Mustard Seeds

The Dominion of Heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in the field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of

Two men holding hands in a field

The Gifts We Remember the Most

As I write this, I find that once again, the Holiday season is nearly over, and the annual “Christmas Chaos” is all over for yet another year. Don’t misunderstand me; I am not referring to the real reason for the Christmas Season, the celebration of

Hand reaching toward sunlight

God Is…

At one time in my life, when I was in the midst of a very difficult time, I recall an argument that I had with a self-proclaimed “born again Atheist” friend of mine. Before he and I had crossed paths, he had at one time

Friends hugging on a hike

When Faith Becomes a Verb

There exists an “unwritten rule” about topics of conversation in the workplace: “Thou shalt avoid conversations concerning religion or politics, or both.” Given the “loaded issues” that are often associated with these two topics, and especially in recent years, I have (at least in the

Polling station

The Words in Red

I recall a great conversation I had once with someone who was, like me, a very spiritual person but not really a “religious” person. This was a long time ago when I might not yet have considered myself a Christian, but I was seeking to