All posts by Lori Heine

Man worrying with furrowed brow

One of ‘Those People’

I, for one, am getting tired of troubled times. Especially tiresome is the mass-manipulation that tells us to worry even more than we might otherwise. “Boooo!” the official opinion-makers keep telling everyone. “Be very, very angry…and very afraid!” Fear reaches a certain threshold, and then

Hand reaching toward sunlight

It’s All About You!

Though it’s become a cliché, we hear it all the time. Every time somebody gets too narcissistic, these days, they are put in their place with a caustic, “It’s all about you!” Comedians won’t even use it anymore because it’s become too tired and threadbare.

Tealight Candle on Human Palms

Confessions of a Christian ‘Broad’

Like many of our tribe, I have managed to collect for myself a “voluntary” family. I’ve been blessed to include in it several “real” relatives, as well as dear friends. But as most of my relatives live thousands of miles away, it is crucial friends

Adult boy in building

Santa Sightings!

Here he comes again…that robust, jolly fellow with his sleigh full of gifts! We all know (spoiler alert!) that Santa isn’t “real.” That our gifts really come from people who love us. But in their own way, they, too, are a manifestation of the love

Polling station

The ‘Yuck’ Vote Strikes Again

Well, the dark forces have prevailed again, this time in Maine. Voters there, by a narrow margin, vetoed marriage rights for same-sex couples. The narrowness of our loss is not much comfort. The “Yuck” Vote strikes again. Basically, the argument of the anti-equality crowd was

Hands sculpture water fountain

Strong at the Broken Places

The hand of the LORD came upon me, and he brought me out by the spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. He led me all around them; and they were very dry.


I’m Rubber, You’re Glue

As the old hymn says, “They will know we are Christians by our love.” Jesus made clear that the way the world will know we follow Him is by the consideration we show each other. This is why constructive dialogue between Christians is so important.

Black male hands resting on an open Bible

The Faces of God

We without God cannot, and God without us will not. (St. Augustine) God, as revealed to us by Jesus Christ, often uses fallible human beings to carry out “His” work in this world. Of course these human vessels in no way limit Who God is.

Crowds of Party People Enjoying a Live Concert

‘First They Came For Us…’

This past Tuesday, the California Supreme Court instituted mob rule. In their 6-1 ruling to uphold Proposition 8, banning same-sex marriage, they set a dangerous precedent. It is unclear that the people of America yet understand how dangerous it is. What the ruling does, in