Will God Still Love Me?
I hope you will keep me in your prayers. I am a Christian a single mother of 2 children, and I am attracted to women. I know in my heart that a women is who I want to spend my life with. I love Jesus
I hope you will keep me in your prayers. I am a Christian a single mother of 2 children, and I am attracted to women. I know in my heart that a women is who I want to spend my life with. I love Jesus
In the English-speaking Caribbean, as far as I know, there are no MCCs, PFLAGS, Human Rights Campaigns, or GLAADs to which gays and lesbians can turn for support, advice or other forms of assistance in the face of homophobia. While I am aware of people
I have read your letters at Whosoever and have found comfort. I am a gay Christian and attend the United Church of Christ. While the denomination is known for its liberal theology on gay and lesbians in the church my denomination is quite conservative as
I recently had a conversation with a friend over two questions I never gave much thought to: can Christians view Jesus as a sexual being? Is there any possibility that He loved someone (male or female) as more than a friend and colleague? To give
It has been quite a while. I’ve been keeping up with your web-based news column (I love your responses!). I am actually writing you because I was recently passed a letter from IGLHRC (International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission) about a young male in
Can I say something? Yes, I’m a Christian and I believe in a way that I have lesbian feelings, but I STRONGLY believe that it is SO WRONG!!!!!! Whether or not you believe me it doesn’t matter. If you claim to believe the BIBLE then
Today reality barged into my world once again. I am a M2F non-op TS, who happens to serve in the ministry [as a lay person] of an MCC church. Tipper Gore came to town and was brought to the home of a famous local gay
I am so sad and afraid. I don’t want to live in depression and fear of hell, but I have been taught that homosexuals will not go to heaven. Please help me. I don’t know what to do and I have a multihandicapped daughter who
John 3:16 says: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that WHOSOEVER believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” Yes you are correct, ANYONE can call upon the name of the Lord and be saved! (Romans)
… sometimes it’s so hard to accept what we’re given, everything goes wrong, falls apart. Lucky people have their faith, or their friends. some, like me have lost their way altogether. I hope your readers can call upon outer resources to help their pain. Simply