All posts by Rev. Paul M. Turner


Gay Inmate Seeks Help

It has been quite a while. I’ve been keeping up with your web-based news column (I love your responses!). I am actually writing you because I was recently passed a letter from IGLHRC (International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission) about a young male in


Becoming Ex-Gay

Can I say something? Yes, I’m a Christian and I believe in a way that I have lesbian feelings, but I STRONGLY believe that it is SO WRONG!!!!!! Whether or not you believe me it doesn’t matter. If you claim to believe the BIBLE then


Separated From God

I am so sad and afraid. I don’t want to live in depression and fear of hell, but I have been taught that homosexuals will not go to heaven. Please help me. I don’t know what to do and I have a multihandicapped daughter who


Repent of Your Sins!

John 3:16 says: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that WHOSOEVER believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” Yes you are correct, ANYONE can call upon the name of the Lord and be saved! (Romans)


Faith is Not a Matter of Luck

… sometimes it’s so hard to accept what we’re given, everything goes wrong, falls apart. Lucky people have their faith, or their friends. some, like me have lost their way altogether. I hope your readers can call upon outer resources to help their pain. Simply


Crucifying the Flesh

I was a minister for several years when another woman and I fell in love. I was totally in shock, as was she. I quit the ministry eventually because I felt so condemned. After a couple of years of living together, she decided we needed


Afraid to Come Out

I’ve been visiting the “Whosoever” Website for awhile and have found it to be a source of great encouragement and support. I’m writing to get your advice and insight on the situation I face in my own church family. I’m a member of a Lutheran


Thrown Out and Abandoned

… I realized with time that I was gay and cried out to my God and to the church and pastor (my father-in-law). Because of the teachings I was raised with I felt I needed “deliverance” from homosexuality. They in turn threw me out of


Homosexuals Make Me Sick!

I do not see how in this world you can call your selves CHRISTIANS, the BIBLE states very clearly that homosexuality is wrong. Try and read the Bible some time, in there around the story about Sodum and Gamora, it is an abomination to my