All posts by Rev. Paul M. Turner


Finding Lost Faith

I am a lesbian who has been married for 16 years- 3 children and have been in a relationship with a woman for 4 years now. Prior to leaving my marriage, I was very active in the local Catholic Church. I recognize now that what


Feeling Lost in the Desert

I’ve found your answers to the questions many of us have to be very helpful. Thank you! Although the following has nothing to do with being gay, I hope that you can shed some light on my confusion over a couple of issues. 1) Since

Man flipping the page of a Bible

We Are the Light of the World

You are the salt of the earth. but if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by people. You are the light of the world. A


Can Bisexuals Be Monogamous?

It is clear that the Biblical pattern for sex is life long monogamy. What is a bisexual to do? How can she remain true to what she is and have a life long commitment to only one person when one person, no matter the gender,


Do We Need to Become Ex-Gay?

G’day Pastor Paul!: Even to the ends of the earth has the ex-gay movement spread, and so, down here in Australia the ‘Living Waters’ (Desert Stream Ministries) people have left me high and dry (so to speak). I spent six months doing the ‘Living Waters

Dove flying in Lisbon, Portugal

A House Divided

As many of you know who have been reading this webzine on a regular basis, my by-line has been missing for several issues. Did I run out of things to say or write? Hardly! However, what I have been struggling with over these last few