All posts by Rev. Paul M. Turner

Hands waving

On Being Thankful

When the editor of this on-line magazine told me what the issue was going to be about I thought, “My God, how dry, how uninteresting for our community to read about.” After all there are battles to be fought with the Religious Right, politicians to

Surfing dog

Being a Crazy Dog for Christ

Abundant Grace Community Church of Atlanta, Ga. Reading for the 24th Sunday after Pentecost: And in his teaching he said, “Beware of the scribes, who like to go about in long robes, and to have salutations in the market places and the best seats in

Black male hands resting on an open Bible

Lifestyle or Licentiousness?

Think “gay lifestyle” and you think sex. That’s the lesson my mother taught me. She told me that the “gay lifestlye” is all about sex. I was shocked, because I thought about all the times I defended myself as a gay man because it’s my

Christmas ornament with reindeer Santa and sleigh

Do We Really Need Christmas?

The Christmas season is here and folks all over the world are in various stages of preparation. There is excitement as we put up trees, lights and decorations of all kinds. Retail stores in the United States brace for the Christmas rush which began in

Man flipping the page of a Bible

Sin of Sodom: The Truth About Sodom and Gomorrah

Editor’s note: For more on this and the other “clobber passages” commonly used to justify scripture-based condemnation of homosexuality, you may also enjoy our essay series “The Bible and Homosexuality.” The supposed ‘Sin of Sodom’ The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is the biblical story

Wedding rings on dictionary

Marriage: For Love or Money?

Over the last several months the debate concerning “gay marriage” has risen to new heights of passion and meanness. I suspect the basic reason for this is centered around power and control issues. Those who have defined marriage as the exclusive right of heterosexuals want