Search Results for: transgender

Hands waving

I Thank You God, For the Rainbow

I thank you G_D for the Rainbow! And for every youth who has survived public or private schools, homophobic homes, heterosexist families, churches and societies. I am grateful for the code of the Still Small Voice Within Desirous of Just “A Safe Place” in which

Hands waving

An Editor Gives Thanks

Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18) I don’t have time to write this! I’m crashing in the last few minutes of October 31st to get this new issue onto the web. Stopping to be thankful has been hard. I’ve

Hands waving

God Through Gay Eyes

When I was a student at Furman University, we had an annual “religious emphasis week” when famous spiritual leaders would come to lecture, preach and hold discussion groups with the students. The best speaker that we ever had was a Southern Baptist Pastor who related

Hands waving

Queer and Christian

I am a Queer Christian. I state this proudly. It is an expression I love to use. It shocks people, gay and straight, believers and non-believers alike. It challenges them. For many, this is an oxymoron. How can I consider myself Christian, they ask, and


Back From the Dead: One Gay Christian’s Journey

This article is an excerpt from the book From Wounded Hearts: Faith Stories of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered People and Those Who Love Them, compiled and edited by Roberta Showalter Kreider, with a Foreword by Peggy Campolo, published by Chi Rho Press. I was

People at concert

Gay Christians: Uncle Toms, Or Fools for God?

Gay Christian. It’s a phrase any self-respecting member of the Religious Right would immediately identify as an oxymoron. As the founder and editor of Whosoever, I get letters everyday from conservative Christians who tell me it’s impossible to be both a practicing homosexual and a

John 3:16

Volume 2, Issue 2

Can You Be Transgender and Christian? Cover Stories Transgender Christians, Gays and Our Common Bond By Robyn M. E. Shanor, Ph.D., M.Div. Being a transgender Christian is in many ways similar to being a gay Christian. We face a number of the same issues, and

Neon cross overlooking city at night

A Transsexual Theology

So God created humanity in God’s own image, in the image of God, God created humanity; male and female God created them. (Genesis 1:27) There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are